67. Leap of Faith


Today is a special episode, BECAUSE in the last year, about 12 months to be exact I took the biggest leap of faith of my life. It all came to pass at a four-day silent retreat last summer where Jesus invited me to “feed his sheep”, to leave  SPO and the comfort of a steady paycheck, and GO full-time, preaching and teaching. Here were the words that I believe Jesus spoke to me that put the final nail in the coffin, of my discernment.  “If you love me and for only as long as you love me, and only because you love me, feed my sheep and tend my lambs.” 

Of course this was an invitation to two things, first primarily, was to be in close intimate relationship with JESUS, and then (and only then) would I be able to ‘feed and tend’; to speak, teach, and preach.  But it wasn’t just a call “preach and teach” from a microphone, it was a call to care deeply for people in poverty, to literally feed the hungry, and tend to their very practical needs.  

So today, I talk again with my good friend Connor all about it. Please note:  We recorded this episode last December so if any of the time references seem off - that’s why!

Connect with Ryan’s Speaking page here - ryanohara.org/catholictalks


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