What’s It About?
The Better Preach Podcast by Ryan O’Hara is focused on delivering and developing great Catholic talks.
What Can I Expect?
Episodes will feature interviews with some of the best speakers in the Church today. It will be a unique deep dive behind the scenes on their best practices of bringing great talks to life.
Who’s It For?
This podcast is for anyone who gives talks (or desires to give talks) to Catholic audiences
and wants to communicate more effectively.
Youth Ministers
Priests and Deacons
Volunteers for Religious Ed
Missionaries on College Campuses
Who’s Ryan O’Hara? And why the name: Better Preach?
Good question! Since 1997 I (Ryan) have been speaking to Catholic audiences across the United States. It’s my favorite thing in the world to do!
Recently, when a friend pressed me: “Ryan, if you could talk about one thing every week for the rest of your life, what would it be”, the answer was easy: PREACHING. So there’s two big ideas this podcast is based around.
Big Idea # 1 - There are many different ‘modes’ of communication for Catholic audiences (teaching, preaching, testimony, exhortation, etc..), which will all be addressed in this podcast, but ‘preaching’ is the mode I love the most and also the one I believe that EVERYONE who speaks to Catholic audiences must master. Not necessarily the style or intonation of ‘preaching’ but rather the substance, intent, and nuance.
Big Idea # 2- Also I started this podcast because I want to shine a light NOT on what we can see - meaning the talks themselves on YouTube or at Conferences - but rather highlight what we CAN’T see - all the preparation, prayer, and hard work, behind the scenes, that make great talks possible in the first place. I think this is an excellent way for someone to grow as a communicator
So, not only do I think everyone better preach (#1), I also hope everyone who preaches does so better (#2). That’s the double goal of this podcast - that every communicator in the Catholic Church PREACH *and* do so BETTER. :)
Ryan shares a brief update on what he'll be doing at SEEK and asks for input and prayer.