9. Trusting the Holy Spirit with Mark Hart


How do you TRUST and FOLLOW the Holy Spirit as you are delivering talks?  What work and prayer do you need to put in to make sure any un-planned pivots are led by the Spirit? 

In my convo with Mark Hart, sometimes referred to as the Bible Geek, we talked in depth about this question and many other fascinating ideas, including his first BIG talk that didn’t turn out exactly as he had planned, his method for preparing talks to ensure that he is best able to follow the Spirit, and his spiritual practices to stay grounded as one of the most trusted communicators in the Church today. 

Mark Hart is a best-selling author, Catholic radio personality and highly sought after speaker. He proudly serves as the Chief Innovation Officer of Life Teen International. Mark and his wife, Melanie, have four children and live in Phoenix, Arizona.

Here’s a link to his many articles written for LifeTeen.com


For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

Check out Ryan’s FREE course on “sharing your faith as a Catholic.”

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