VIDEO: Designed to Make a Dent

There’s a question that I hope stays with you for a while.

It’s a question that helps me a lot when I’m frozen, fearful, or faithless. It usually points me in the direction of God’s best for my life (the big things and the small things), even as I find myself running the other way.

It helps to keep things in perspective and unlocks hidden desires and a hurricane of potential.

Okay, enough of the setup. Here’s the question:

What would you do if you were fearless and full of faith?

A question like this cuts through so much of life’s bologna, so much of the stuff that sloooows us down, and brings us right to the precipice of decision and action. Ultimately, a question like this leads to fulfilling the deepest desires God has planted within.

God’s word says in Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will bring about the desires of your heart.”

For me then to ‘delight in the Lord’ is to approach God without fear and with a certain fullness of faith - both are required. I can’t delight in someone that scares me or to believe (and act on the idea) that God has created me with a mission in mind without faith.

Ultimately how we answer this question isn’t even about us, I believe it’s about finding our part in the bigger story that precedes us in life and will be around long after we are gone. A question like this can unlock the unique ‘dent’ that we were designed to make in this world - for God, for our growth, and for the good of many others.

I’ll ask it again, in reference to the big picture of your life (and the not so big picture - the every day, the ordinary):

What would you do if you were fearless and full of faith?